Viewing a JSON Configuration version
To view a JSON Configuration version in Bytebeam console,
Access Actions Tab
Click on the Actions tab
Go to Inventory Tab and Access JSON Configurations Tab
Navigate to the JSON Configurations tab by clicking on Inventory section
Locate the desired JSON Configuration version
Click on JSON Configurations tab and locate the desired JSON Configuration version
Click on Eye icon
Click on Eye icon against the located version to view it.
You can view even the deactivated JSON Configuration versions.
To view a deactivated JSON Configuration version,
Access Actions Tab
Click on the Actions tab
Go to Inventory Tab and Access JSON Configurations Tab
Navigate to the JSON Configurations tab by clicking on Inventory section
Enable 'Show Deactivated' toggle
Click on JSON Configurations tab and click on Show Deactivated toggle.
Locate the desired JSON Configuration version
Scroll to the desired JSON Configuration version
Click on Eye icon
Click on Eye icon against the located deactivated version to view it.