Process stats allow you to monitor individual processes. To enable process stats we need to modify uplink’s config.toml file to mention the process names that need monitoring. If you have followed the setup guide, this file should be present in /usr/share/local/byebeam. Add the below section to config.toml

enabled = true
process_names = ["uplink", "journalctl"]
update_period = 30

NOTE: The names of processes mentioned in the config should be the same as those in the output of ps -eaf

The stream corresponding to process stats is uplink_process_stats. This stream has the below fields

Field nameDescription
pidThis field corresponds to a particular process’s ID.
start_timeTime at which the process had started execution.
cpu_usagePercentage of CPU being used by the process.
mem_usageRAM is used by the process, in bytes.
disk_read_bytesThe number of bytes of data read from the disk(or storage device) since the last update.
disk_total_read_bytesTotal number of bytes of data written to the disk(or storage device) since the last update.
disk_write_bytesA number of bytes of data read from the disk(or storage device) since the last update.
disk_total_write_bytesTotal number of bytes of data written to the disk(or storage device).