You can use ByteBeam Client to push data to Streams. Follow Creating a Stream guide to create streams.

pub fn publish_to_stream(
        &self, // Bytebeam Client
        stream_name: &str,
        sequence: u32,
        payload: impl Serialize,
    ) -> anyhow::Result<u32>

Payload you want to publish must be something that can be Serialized to JSON.

Lets say you have “led_status” stream with field “status”. You can create a struct and use serde::Serialize attribute.

struct LedStream {
    // your custom fields!
    status: String,

fn main() {
    // ....
    let bytebeam_client = ByteBeamClient::init()?;

    let sequence = 1;
    let message = LedStream {
        status: "ON".into(),

    // You can remove .expect and handle the error
        .publish_to_stream("led_status", sequence, message)
        .expect("published successfully");

NOTE: Every stream has id and timestamp fields as well, we add them internally, so it is recommended to not include them in your custom struct!
