API Reference
Get auth details given tenant id
- GETGet the list of devices - paginated.
- GETReturn the count of devices for pagination
- PUTAllows update status of a device
- GETFind devices by device state keys
- POSTTrigger an action on a bunch of devices.
- GETGet action for device
- GETGet params for an action
- GETReturn stats about the progress of various devices this action was triggered on
- GETReturn logs of actions per device
- GETReturn paginated progress of actions per device
- POSTRequest to trigger actions; someone with permission will approve
- PUTApprove an action
- PUTMark all actions for devices matching the filters as completed
- PUTMark a subset of devices for an action as completed
- POSTAttempt cancelling this action
- GETGet apiv1actions error stats
- POSTPost apiv1actions device latencies
- GETGet apiv1actions device latenciesstates
- POSTRetry an action on some devices
- POSTReturn all pending actions for devices matching the given filters
- GETReturns a list of all action types
- POSTCreates a new action-type
- PUTUpdates an existing action type
- PUTUpdates an existing action type
- DELDelete an action-type
- POSTUpdate metadata(s) for a device(s)
- POSTTakes a csv file and updates the metadata for a device
- PUTMark an existing metadata-key as serial number
- PUTMark an existing metadata-key as serial number
- GETReturns a csv file template for updating metadata for a device
- GETGet a list of metadata-keys
- POSTCreate a metadata-key
- DELDelete a metadata-key
- POSTProvision a device. returns cert & keys
- GETDownload cert for a device given device-id
- GETReturn the list of all firmwares
- POSTCreate firmware version
- PUTUpdates firmware version to be activated or deactivated
- PUTUpdates firmware version to be activated or deactivated
- GETDownload a firmware by version
- HEADHEAD endpoint to check metadata about file download
- GETDownload a firmware by component name and version
- HEADHEAD endpoint to check metadata about file download
- GETReturn the list of firmwares for components
- GETReturn the list of all firmware versions of given component
- GETGet the list of Device Configurations
- POSTCreate new Device Configuration
- GETGet device config by version name
API Reference
- GETGet apiv1devicesstate keys
- POSTSearch device by metadata
- POSTUpdates the status of the action triggered on the device
- GETGet metadata key and available options
- GETGet device actions given device id
- GETReturns available filters for searching actions of a device
- PUTMark all device actions given device id as completed
- GETGet all device components
- GETShow overall progress of actions triggered
- GETTakes a filter and returns parameters matching that filter
- GETGet apiv1firmware bundles
- POSTPost apiv1firmware bundles
- GETGet apiv1firmware bundlesid
- PUTPut apiv1firmware bundlesid
- DELDelete apiv1firmware bundlesid
- GETGet apiv1firmware bundlesversion
- PUTPut apiv1firmware bundlesversion
- DELDelete apiv1firmware bundlesversion
- GETGet apiv1firmware bundles artifact
- HEADHead apiv1firmware bundles artifact
- GETReturns list of tenants
- POSTCreate a new tenant
- GETGet auth details given tenant id
- PUTStore tenant's end user authentication method
- POSTRequest authorization for tenant
- GETGet list of timezones supported by dashboard CSV export
- GETGet apiv1log tags
- POSTDetailed data for micelio stats panel
- GETGet share options for the user
- GETGet tables and columns available for querying
- GETGet all alert types
- GETGet all alert rules
- POSTCreate alert rule
- GETGet all alert groups
- GETGet alert notification rule
- PUTUpdate alert notification rule
- DELDelete alert notification rule
- POSTCreate alert notification rule
- POSTTest alert notification rule
- PUTUpdate alert rule
- DELDelete alert rule
- PUTStart alert rule
- PUTStop alert rule
- GETGet all session types
- POSTCreate session type
- PUTStart session type
- PUTStop session type
- DELDelete session type
- POSTCalled by dkron repeatedly for a scheduled action until it is finished. It retries failed actions if needed and updates schedule status
- POSTappend fixed-list phase to a schedule
- GETget schedule for an action
- GETGet all DBCs for tenant
- POSTCreates a DBC
- POSTPost apiv1dbcs diff
- PUTPut apiv1dbcs update
- GETGet info about a single DBC given id
- PUTUpdate DBC settings
- DELDelete a single DBC given id
- GETGet dbc file for a DBC given id
- GETGet parsed version of a DBC given id
- PUTStart Parser
- PUTStop Parser
- GETGet the list of devices - paginated.
- GETFind devices by device state keys
- GETJust a test route
- GETGet all audit Logs
- GETGet all the Dashboard logs
- GETGet logs of a specific dashboard
- GETGet all the Metadata logs
- GETGet Metadata log for a key
- GETGet all Role logs
- GETGet logs of a role
- GETGet mockapiv1actions
- POSTPost mockapiv1actions
- POSTPost mockapiv2actions
- GETGet logout
- GETPing-pong end point
- GETGet metrics
- GETReturn the list of all uploaded files (respects RBAC)
- POSTCreate a new file (respects RBAC)
- GETThe Endpoint the device hits to download the file (respects RBAC)
- GETGet dashboards API
- POSTCreate dashboard API
- GETGet dashboard API
- POSTUpdate dashboard
- DELDelete dashboard API
- POSTGet data for panels given in body
- POSTGet data for a single panel given in the body
- GETGet current User object
- GETGet settings
- PUTUpdate user settings
- PUTUpdate tenant settings
- GETGet users and their roles
- POSTCreate a new user
- GETGet user given existing id
- PUTUpdate a user given existing id
- DELDelete a user given existing id
- GETGet list of roles
- POSTCreate role
- GETGet a single role given role-id
- PUTUpdate role given role-id
- DELDelete role given role-id
- GETGet all existing streams in clickhouse database
- POSTCreates a stream on clickhouse database
- GETGet all fields given existing stream name in clickhouse database
- DELDelete a stream on clickhouse database
- DELDelete a field given existing stream name in clickhouse database
- POSTCreate a field given a existing stream name in clickhouse database
- PUTRename a stream field
- POSTUpdate an existing field's type
- POSTPost apiv1streamsfixprotobuff
- GETGet apiv1streamsqueries
- GETGet apiv1streamsqueries 1
- GETReturn protobuff for all streams in clickhouse database
- POSTCreates computed stream
- GETReturn full detail of streams with fields including if they are computed, along with their code and parent streams
- GETGet all apikeys
- POSTCreate a new apikey
- DELDeactivate an apikey; soft-delete
API Reference
Get auth details given tenant id
curl --request GET \
--url https://cloud.bytebeam.io/api/v1/tenants/{tenant-id}/auth \
--header 'x-bytebeam-api-key: <api-key>' \
--header 'x-bytebeam-tenant: <api-key>'
API key required to authenticate requests.
Tenant(Project) name required to identify the project.
Path Parameters
curl --request GET \
--url https://cloud.bytebeam.io/api/v1/tenants/{tenant-id}/auth \
--header 'x-bytebeam-api-key: <api-key>' \
--header 'x-bytebeam-tenant: <api-key>'